Bensijdenis clinics in Germany

Vatan Kliniek has 11 locations in the Netherlands and 4 locations in Germany. This means you can always have a circumcision performed nearby.

Locations in Germany

In addition to our 11 locations in the Netherlands, we also have 4 circumcision clinics in Germany. Below you will find an overview of these locations. 

For more information about our German clinics, please visit our German website at

Would you like to have a treatment clinic in the Netherlands? Then visit the standort der Vatan-Klinik in Deutschland.

Müssen Sie eine Beschneidung in der Nähe von Köln durchführen lassen? Then contact us at the Standort von Vatan-Klinik.

Halle Westphalia
For more information about decisions in the region of Halle-Westphalia, contact us in Ort.

Für unsere Beschneidungsklinik in Bergneustadt besuchen Sie diesen Standort.

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020 262 35 36

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06 275 77 490