Complaints procedure

Vatan Kliniek considers it important that patients and visitors are satisfied. That is why we strive to treat, care and guide you as well as possible during your visit.

How do we handle your complaint

Vatan Kliniek considers it important that patients and visitors are satisfied. That is why we strive to treat, care and guide you as well as possible during your visit. Despite this effort, things may happen that you consider incorrect or unjustified. Are you dissatisfied? Let us know and we can look for a solution together with you.

There are several ways in which you can raise your complaint.

Discuss the complaint immediately
Complaint mediator of Vatan
Independent disputes committee

Discuss the complaint immediately
The quickest way to remove the cause of your complaint is of course to discuss it with the relevant healthcare provider. You can also discuss your complaint with the manager of the employee concerned. Together you discuss how the problem can be solved. Such a conversation often prevents further ambiguities. If you do not wish to make use of this option, or if you are not satisfied with the outcome of the conversation, you can discuss your complaint with VATAN's complaints mediator.

VATAN complaints mediator
The complaints mediator will provide you with support, information and advice about the options for handling your complaint. For example, you can report your complaint to the complaints mediator for notification. She will then bring your complaint to the attention of the person(s) involved.

If you want a response from the person(s) involved to your complaint and/or strive for a solution, you can ask the complaints mediator for mediation. The mediator can arrange a meeting between you and the person(s) involved. If desired, the complaints mediator will be present as an impartial moderator.

Another possibility is that the complaints mediator informs the person(s) concerned about your complaint and asks for a response. She will then inform you of the result. You decide for yourself what is the best way of mediation for you.

Our location in the Netherlands and how to get there
The complaints mediator can be reached on 020 – 262 35 36. You can make an appointment for a meeting or you can submit your complaint in writing.

The address is:

Vatan Clinic
attn Management
Bijlmerdreef 1169
1103 TT Amsterdam

We hope that your complaint will be resolved after discussing it with those involved or after mediation by the complaints mediator. If this is not the case or if you would like a decision on your complaint, you can contact the independent disputes committee for a binding decision.

Independent complaints procedure
Vatan Kliniek kliniek is affiliated with an independent disputes committee for healthcare and thus complies with the legislation.

If, despite the above, you cannot resolve your dispute, you can do so at Complaints portal Care.

Email us

Call us

020 262 35 36

Our whatsapp

+ 31 (0)6 275 77 490